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Gran Cañón I

Gran Cañón I
Grand Canyon An abstract associative series caused by the emotional impression of a grandiose natural miracle - the Grand Canyon! Expressed by concise graphical means. Acrylic on kraft paper. A one-of-a-kind work of art. 32,9 * 46,0 * 0,1 see (without frame). Sold without a frame. I recommend to arrange the work using a passepartout. Frame with a profile width of 0.7-2.5 cm, white, gray or black, depending on the surrounding interior. Using glass. Shipping in a tube protected from moisture (very safe packaging). Keep away from moisture and direct sunlight Date: 2021
Ubicación de la imagen: Saint Petersburg
Categoría: Pintura
Por el interior (por tipo de habitación): Para oficina (gabinete)
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