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An oil painting of a black beauty with gorgeous hair, matched with gold ribbons. The size is 60/80cm. The ends are prescribed in the tone of the work, the mount is available, you can immediately hang it on the wall. The author's signature is in the lower right corner of the painting and on the back. Inviting plump lips, a beautiful long neck, velvety skin and a languid look from under fluffy eyelashes. The painting is in the ethno style, as a hymn to female beauty. The silhouette is decorated with a complex pattern that gives a certain mystery. It is like a thinnest veil wrapped around a beautiful body, supports the styling of heavy hair. The noble luster of gold leaf and the effect of craquelure (cracking) Paintings with enamel always look very refined and noble. That's exactly what I wanted to achieve! The ethno style in the interior is able to recreate the atmosphere of exotic countries. This style is perfect for a large apartment or country house. Sophistication and originality – this is how ethno style can be characterized.
Ubicación de la imagen: Seversk
Categoría: Pintura
Por el interior (por tipo de habitación): Para casa y apartamento para sala de estar

La obra de arte está disponible para ordenar.

Año: 2021
Tamaño: 80x60
Material : lienzo
Técnica : óleo
192 0 0
Evaluaciones de desempeño de la comunidad
Estilo: Sin calificaciones
La trama es única: Sin calificaciones
Dominio: Sin calificaciones
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Obras de arte del maestro