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Explosión solar

Explosión solar
This oil painting is the epitome of the warmth and joy of summer. A bright bouquet of sunflowers, painted with a thick pasty brushstroke, radiates light and positive energy. While working on it, I felt an incredible inspiration and a total immersion in the process: each brushstroke was like a ray of sunshine that filled the canvas with warmth and light. It was a moment of pure creativity in which emotions overwhelmed me and found an outlet on the canvas.
Ubicación de la imagen: Moscow
Categoría: Pintura

Obra de arte terminada, ahora disponible para comprar.

Año: 2024
Tamaño: 50x40
Material : lienzo
Técnica : óleo
58 1 0
Evaluaciones de desempeño de la comunidad
Estilo: Sin calificaciones
La trama es única: Sin calificaciones
Dominio: Sin calificaciones
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Obras de arte del maestro