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Интернет магазин картин маслом, скульптур и других предметов искусств. Работы на заказ.


Gift & Decor original Mask for shelfs, refrigerator and wall Decor. The first collection of masks. Product Description; An artist and sculptor Salim Yagafarov from Pennsylvania created an original collection of humorous sculptures that consists of 26 reliefs called "The Masks we wear." The concept of the author's appeal is as follows: "It's not a secret that all of us are filled with emotions. Sometimes they are hidden deep inside us, often written on our faces ... A person is peculiar to wear a "Mask" to show or hide his feelings. " This collection of "Masks" offers to look at yourself "from the outside," because if you have a sense of humor, then the holiday is always with you! Become a creator of the holiday and make a present to yourself or loved ones and people close to you! This collection is absolutely exclusive and will become a unique gift! These reliefs will be a wonderful decoration of your interiors. They can be placed on any horizontal surfaces of your rooms, attached to walls and hung on a refrigerator or other metal surfaces. Buy a single “Mask” or order in any number and combination of 26 sculpted "Masks" to create a collection in the gallery of your Dreams, Emotions and Love .... Shipped with gratitude by the author, packaged in a box. In view of the fact that the "Masks" are created and produced by manual labor, there could be a slight variation in color or shade. Attention: Be careful when connecting the "Mask" with the plinth through the metal rod. The height of one sculpture in the assembled state: an average of 7.5 Inch.; Weight 0.360 LB. Kindly, leave your view. Thank you!
Местонахождение картины: Филадельфия
Категория: Скульптура

Готовая работа, доступна для заказа.

Год: 2018
Размер: 18x6
Материал : пластика
Техника : авторская техника
5 822
624 0 0
Оценки работы сообществом
Уникальность стиля автора: Нет оценок
Оригинальность сюжета работы: Нет оценок
Мастерство исполнения работы: Нет оценок
«Автор не подтверждал наличие работ более 2-х недель!»
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Картины художника