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Home Artists Bronskih Valentina Artworks of the master Cuban with a cigar

Cuban with a cigar

Cuban with a cigar
In the picture, a Cuban smokes a cigar. Cuba is famous for its cigars. They are extremely popular in the Western Hemisphere among Cuban social classes and are part of Cuban culture. They are made from a fantastic blend of tobacco leaves that are dried twice for a smooth and aromatic smoke. However, it was the manufacturing and production that made these cigars world-famous. Each Cuban cigar is hand rolled to produce the high quality canned cigars we know today. These cigars are also a big contributor to the economy as Cuba is well known for its exports.
Location of the painting: Moscow
Category: Painting
Style: Realism
Genre: Portrait

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2023
Size: 50x40
Material : canvas
Technique : oil
89 $
243 1 0
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Artworks of the master