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Home Artists SCHebunyaev Aleksandr

SCHebunyaev Aleksandr

SCHebunyaev Aleksandr
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    Sabunaev Alexander A.

    Born on 15 August 1954 in the village of Veshenskaya Moskovskoy district of Rostov region. Ibid graduated from high school.
    In 1977 he graduated from art-graphic faculty of the Rostov State pedagogical Institute on a speciality the artist-teacher. The participant of regional, Republican and foreign exhibitions since 1976. The Union of artists of the USSR joined in 1989.
    In 1986 she created in the Rostov branch of Union of artists of the creative group "the homeland of Sholokhov", which has long worked in the Museum. Organized a lot of exhibitions in Vyoshenskaya, Rostov-on-don, Moscow and other cities of Russia.
    The artist's works are in many museums and private collections around the world. In particular, the Sholokhov Museum about twenty works.
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