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Sale of oil paintings and other arts.
Buy a picture in the online store.
Services of artists and sculptors.


This section of the online store presents pictures, sculptures and other objects of art on the theme «Gift», exhibited by sellers (painters, sculptors and art critics).
In which currency should the prices be displayed on the website?

The table below shows statistics on how many paintings, sculptures and other art objects in total «Gift» is presented in the online store, their cost, availability and parameters, as well the names of the highest rated sellers on the site.

Items on sale: 125
Items to order: 125
You can buy or order at the price: from 3 - to 100 cm
Materials: canvas, paper, cardboard, plastics, canvas on cardboard, wood
Execution techniques: oil, ink, author's technique, aquarelle, crayon
Height: from 11 - to 120 cm
Width: from 6 - to 110 cm
Sellers: Basova Zoya, Abaimov Vladimir, Kurnosova Elena, Alekseeva (Bergh) Svetlana (Lana), Yagafarov Salim, Gusev Konstantin, Tatajna Cechun, Negresko Valentin, Masso Marina

How to buy or order works on the subject «Gift» in the online store:

How to make a purchase on the site:

  1. Search and select paintings, sculptures or other art objects in the online store directory.
  2. Place your order and send your request to the seller.
  3. Wait for confirmation of order acceptance from the seller.
  4. Pay for your purchase and receive your package.

If you could not find a suitable work from an artist, sculptor or art critic from your city / country, then you can place an order from a seller from another city or country, by agreeing with him about courier or postal delivery.

For more detailed instructions, with screenshots and videos, go to the page - how to buy a painting. This way, you can purchase «Gift»-themed art objects.

Options for orders in our online store:

For Gift-type art items ready for sale, you can use one of the following:

  • Quick order. With minimal filling of data, to save your time.
  • Easy order. Suitable if the seller is located in your city. In this case, payment for the purchase is made directly to the seller.
  • Offer your price. If you want to bargain with the seller.
  • Secure Transaction. If you want to trade with the seller.

How to order the performance of work or services to order:

If no seller has found a suitable version of work on the topic «Gift», then you can order a painting, sculpture, any other piece of art or the services of a master in the special section of the site «work to order». A short order of your actions:

  1. Place your order in the system.
  2. Get feedback from artists.
  3. Evaluate the work of the responding masters, compare their proposals, choose the appropriate one and conclude with him deal.

Thus, you can issue a work request from the master, for example order a portrait from a photograph or order oil painting on canvas.

Payment and delivery options

If you and the seller are located in different cities or countries, and you need delivery, then you can negotiate the terms of sending paintings or sculptures directly with the seller.

When choosing an option for a regular order, the terms and methods of payment - you negotiate individually with the seller directly. If you use our Safe Deal service, then all payment methods listed on the page will be available to you Payment and delivery.