We invite art critics-sellers to cooperate!
You can receive for life 40% of premium account payments by attracting new authors to our
site, and up to 40% of service sales commissions. To get started, you
need register on the site
(by selecting the account type "Art Manager"), go to
affiliate program page,
copy referral link of the form https://hudognik.net/?art_critic=xxx and share it
on any social networks, on any sites on the Internet. Each user who registers using
your link and makes purchases or payments for your account will be considered your
lifelong “referral”, from which you will receive a commission.
More about the possibilities of our affiliate program:
For art critics-sellers:
- Percentage of purchases from a referral link. You are charged 40% of the amount
of service commission from sales if the buyer clicked on your link. The buyer
is given a 2% discount on the cost of the work sold, so the buyer is also beneficial!
- Percentage of all sales attracted to the artists website. You are charged 40% of the
amount of service commissions from all sales of artists who have registered on the
site by your link.
- Percentage of artist paid accounts. You are charged 40% of all payments made to
premium accounts by artists who were registered on the site by your link. At the
same time, artists are given a 20% discount on the cost of the account, so artists
are also beneficial!
- Percentage of sales for job selection requests. You are charged 30% of the sums
of service commissions from the sales of works that you recommended to the buyer
in consultation on his request on the site.
- Percentage from sales of works from ready-made collections (the collections
you created on our website). You will be charged 30% of the amount of service
commissions from the sales of works that you added to the collections you created
on the site. All your work collections are displayed in the
section Collections.
- Percentage from sales of works by links from articles of a personal blog. You
are charged 30% of the amount of service commissions from the sales of works
that you posted in the articles you published on the site. All your publications
fall into the section Blogs.
NOTE: registering on the site you get to the section
Art historians, the list of profiles is sorted by rating,
you can learn more about scoring on the page
About rating.
To start a collaboration register on the site appropriate
type of account, and get access to your personal account with all the tools.