Nata Vonk
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Nata Vonk – contemporary artist, who writes in the direction of jewelry art. This is the picture with a sense of energy which strengthens the natural and precious gemstones.
"Jewelry painting - my work in art which finds inspiration in people. I believe the depth of history embedded in the paintings, and penetrates the human soul and leaves its mark. That is why I surrender to the process with all the passion, otherwise the desired effect will be. The stones, in turn, allow you to feel the power that they possess, and give the painting unique properties. The paintings themselves take on his master, they are similar not only in meaning, but also for energy, so you can create internal responses".
Based on the paintings created the limited collection of jewelry brand GRAF KOLTSOV. Where the artist acts as the inspirer and Creator of the design of the jewelry. Now the spirit of motivational pictures and natural stones will always find its owner, and will charge them with positive energy from generation to generation.