Polyakov Arkadiy
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27.09.1973 was born in the city of Vologda. Lives and works in Vologda.
Studied in 1988-1991 in vocational school № 29 of Vologda on a speciality "the restorer of monuments of wooden architecture".
Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 2008. A member of the youth Association of artists of Vologda since 1999. In 1995-2001 – the designer of the Vologda branch of the Art Fund of the Russian Federation. Since 2002, artist-restorer of wood in the Vologda Museum-reserve.
The participant of regional, all-Russian art exhibitions since 1999. The student of the academic exhibition in the Russian Academy of Arts (Moscow, 2006)
Personal exhibitions of works: Vologda (2004-2014), Saint Petersburg (2009).
His works are in the collections of GIAHS, NIMRAH, Museum Sokolsky district of the Vologda region, in the gallery "Borey" (St. Petersburg), in private gallery Artemy Troitsky (Moscow), in private collections in Russia, Poland, and Montenegro.Switzerland.
The artist works in various art forms, from realistic full-scale plein-air painting to create works in mixed media using oil pastels, watercolors, gouache, ink in the genres of landscape, portrait, still life. Creates the fantasy genre and composition, engaged in book illustration.