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Home Artists Tsvetkova Nadezhda

Tsvetkova Nadezhda

Tsvetkova Nadezhda
Total rating: 34
Rating by «Painting»: 13
Rating by «Chinese art»: 1
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    Tsvetkova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna was born in Russia, Moscow.
    Graduated from Moscow Pedagogical University. Sholokhov. By specialty “Teacher of Fine Arts”.

    She regularly participates in exhibitions of creative associations of artists.

    Nadezhda’s paintings are stored in many private collections not only in Russia but also abroad.

    The artist’s works are diverse, and it is difficult to attribute them to any one genre.

    This is not only colorful impressionistic landscapes, a special place among which is occupied by the artist’s favorite city landscape, and still lifes

    The author also paints surreal abstract paintings. Where the images are full of deep meaning and encourage the viewer to reflect on eternal topics.
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