Simonenko Lyubov
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My name is Lyubov Simonenko. I have been drawing since childhood. Nature is a source of inspiration for me. I love painting outdoors and always travel with a sketchbook. I received a classical art education at the Samara Art College and at the Samara Academy of Culture and Arts.
For a long time I worked as a private designer and this helps me very quickly understand what kind of picture the interior asks for. I write in different techniques and styles, but most of all I like the classical style of writing. In my works I try to convey the soul of nature and the airiness of the sky. I love to paint en plein air and feel at one with nature and feel connected to it through painting. Sometimes some plots of paintings are born in the head and require their implementation.
I am very responsible approach to writing paintings to order. I collect a large amount of material on the topic, I make sketches. And only then I will coordinate the sketches with the customer and get to work. I also painted many paintings for my clients.
For one of my projects, I researched the topic of navigation on the Volga. And as a result, several works were written, which are currently in a private collection.
Recently, I have been very actively participating in various art exhibitions and painting to order.