Guerra Carranza Russbelt
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Peruvian painter, born in El Alto, Talara. He studied at the Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes Macedonio de la Torre in Trujillo, Peru. He graduated in the year two thousand.
- First Place Drawing and Painting Contest, Provincial Municipality of El Alto, Talara - Piura
- First Place Painting academic year ESBAT.
-First Place Painting academic year ESBAT.
-Second Place Drawing Contest, National University of Trujillo.
-Finalist IV Cartoon Contest – Calandria, UNESCO – Pontificia Universidad Católica and El Comercio.
-Second Place Drawing academic year ESBAT
-Finalist IX Coca Cola Painting Contest
-First Place Video Short Film Contest "Relief of the soul" ICPNA
-Special Mention I Youth Art Hall - Municipality of Trujillo.
-Finalist I Contest Peruvian Boards Maderba.
-First Place I Painting Contest, Provincial Municipality of Piura - Peru.
-Selected IX Hall of Contemporary Painting of Latin American Integration, Cajamarca - Peru.
-Second Place I Hall of Piuran Artists ICPNA, Grau Region, Piura – Peru.
-Second Place Cautivarte Contest - World Council of Visual Artists A.C. COMAV Tabasco, Mexico.
-Selected I International Biennial of Contemporary Art Chapingo 08, Mexico.
-Diploma of recognition from the Provincial Municipality of Piura for the work carried out during the cultural activities of the year Two thousand and eight as a cultural manager.
-Selected Two Generations Drawing Contest, British Cultural Center, Lima, Peru.
-Selected Award for Latin American Illustration, Latin American Meeting of UP Design, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Recognition for the contribution to Art and Culture of the Puerta de la Ciudad Municipal Museum, Municipality of Loja, Ecuador.
-Diploma of Recognition of the Regional Association of Plastic Artists ARAP for outstanding artistic and cultural career, Piura, Peru.
-Recognition from the ICPNA North American Peruvian Cultural Institute for outstanding artistic participation in Festiarte Piuranísimo, Centro Piurano, Piura
-First Place International Drawing Contest and Second Place in the Painting category, II World and International Congress "Childhood without violence" Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Honorable Mention, I World Biennial of Pandemic Art S.O.S Madre Tierra, Colombia
Until the present year he has made five individual exhibitions and more than fifty collective exhibitions.