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Home Artists Alekseeva (Bergh) Svetlana (Lana)

Alekseeva (Bergh) Svetlana (Lana)

Alekseeva (Bergh) Svetlana (Lana)
Total rating: 239
Rating by «Painting»: 49
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    As any artist I reveal part of myself in the pieces I create whether its colorful graphics at the beginning of my artistic career or picturesque scapes in the middle.
    I prefer to creat in solitude of my quiet studio being totally captivated by the flashes in my mind. I creates spaces with certain atmospheric phenomenon and put buildings in there. Though those buildings change from piece to piece and have their own characters they are not the main objects anyway but the combination of the both, urban elements and nature, transmits my idea.

    Since I started my artistic career I constantly continued my self-education in art participating in different master classes and online courses. I have been taking part in numerous group shows in Russia, Europe and Asia. My paintings are also sold to Asia, America, Europe and of course Russia. One of my work is at Muzeul Judetean de Arta Prahova “ Ion Ionescu - Quintus”, Romania.

    My work is a constant search for the best way to interpret the idea that I have about myself and the whole world I live in.
    I tend to draw since I was a child. Whether I was happy or upset or scared or was experiencing any other feelings I was taking pencils or a brush and transmitted all overwhelming emotions onto the surface.

    My paintings are just at the intersection of reality, the outer world and subconsciousness, feelings.

    Sometimes these are flashbacks from the past (probably from the past lives), other times it’s more like call of intuition - feelings of what is coming.

    As an artist I am interested in creating works that call for the participation of the audience.

    I am creating pieces with familiar objects what helps smoothly lead the viewer into the artwork space though they don’t carry the main idea of the painting; but putting them in certain surroundings with the certain color scheme or color accents I try to create the space that capture the viewer.

    I see beauty and the «meaning» in separate or even destroyed objects. They have their story which I find interesting and worth reviling to my audience.

    In most of my works you can see doorways, doors, windows, buildings which are usually a metaphor. They are just conductors to help the audience to dive into the artwork and as a result into their own feelings, emotions and subconsciousness.

    If a viewer stops for just a moment to view and reflect on a piece I have created then I have succeeded in my work.

    In front of my paintings the viewer “meets” himself, experiencing certain feelings which the artwork arouses.
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