Mikayelyan Ashot
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He was born on 31.05.1955. In Toros village of Ghukasyan region of Soviet Armenia.
In 1972-1976 he graduated from Yerevan State Pedagogical Institute named after Kh. Abovyan.
From 1976 to 1983, he worked at Akhuryan Aesthetic Education Center as a leader.
1986-2005 Gyumri (former Leninakan)
Head of painting group of Pioneer Palace
From 2005 to now Gyumri M. Lecturer of Nalbandyan State Pedagogical University. Member of the Scientific Council of the University by decision А-1 N 041132. According to the decision of 02.12.2011, the scientific title of associate professor was awarded in the field of fine arts Д N 02498
Member of the Union of Artists of the ASSR since 1978. "Ashot Mikayelyan's works stand out for their uncompromising honesty and masterful execution, paintings that are colorful and speak of the author's ability to create a color environment - L. Kojoyan, Honored Artist Associate Professor.
In 1985, he participated in the international exhibition opened in Paris.
In 1998, he opened a solo exhibition in Gyumri.
In 1991, he participated in the exhibition organized in London and Nottingham.
2011 Republican exhibition dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the medieval Armenian miniaturist Momik.
A number of the artist's works have been placed in the Department of Culture of the RA and in the collections of citizens of different countries around the world. The artist has donated a number of paintings to various environmental and educational funds.
His students participated in the "Moscow Invites Friends" charity festival and received certificates of appreciation.