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Home Artists Konev Vladimir

Konev Vladimir

Konev Vladimir
Total rating: 179
Rating by «Painting»: 39
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    Born in the Volga area of the Samara province.In Novokuybyshevsk have graduated from secondary school and art school in 1968 В1976 year he graduated from the PHU in the city of Penza.He worked as chief artist of the city.Worked on the design.In Samara publishing,he has designed more than 30 books from Russian and foreign writers.Since 1986 freelance artist.Held 32 solo exhibitions of his paintings and graphics in the cities of Russia,Germany,Spain and Italy.7 International festival in Moscow,was awarded the diploma of the APPLAUSE of the JURY ,for a series of paintings.In 2014 he was awarded a medal ( For services to the city of Novokuybyshevsk)
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