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Home Artists Chernova Olga

Chernova Olga

Chernova Olga
Total rating: 801
Rating by «Painting»: 40
Rating by «Modular paintings»: 1
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    Member of the Seversky Union of Artists since 2019.
    Member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia since 2021.
    Member of the International Union of Animal Artists since 2021.
    Born on 25.02.1974 in Seversk, Tomsk region. In 1988 she graduated from the Children's Art School in Seversk. In 1997, she graduated from the TSASU course "Architect of residential and public buildings and structures" with a degree in "Architect", she always drew, was fond of graphics, but she went to oil painting for a very long time. I write with both a brush and a palette knife. Flowers and the sea are especially fascinating.
    Flowers are like a beautiful huge world for me, this is my universe. I love to paint flowers for their beauty, texture and ability to dance in the wind, and my biggest task as an artist is to make them move on canvas. I own both a brush and a palette knife, I prefer to work on canvas.
    I paint portraits in the style of pop art based on photos.
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