Sidorovich Pavel
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Was born in 1979. He graduated from Orsha mechanical-technological College (now Orsha mechanics and Economics College) majoring in Economics. In 2004 seriously engaged in the visual arts, although I have been drawing since childhood. And the first promises of those areas of fine art I now work appeared in the pages of my dembelsky album when he passed military service in the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus in 1998-1999. Active exhibition activity lead 2012. The first exhibition of "Two colours" was held, together with sculptor Yury Polyakov in Orsha city art gallery. V. A. Gromyko. And the first solo exhibition of "Bellum omnium contra omnes" (Latin. – the war of all against all) took place in 2013 in the Vitebsk center of modern art, which, like many of my next projects, was of a conceptual nature. In the same year of 2013 was one of the organizers and participants of the art project, dedicated to the city of Orsha "Art City". Since 2014 is a member of the Orsha club of artists of the RENAISSANCE. In addition to solo exhibitions participate in collective, regional, Republican and international exhibitions. My creative work: poster graphics, screen printing, painting, drawing pencil, art objects.