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Home Artists Tatajna Cechun

Tatajna Cechun

Tatajna Cechun
Total rating: 350
Rating by «Painting»: 20
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    My best painting is yet to come. I develop as long as I see my own mistakes.
    Tatiana is a contemporary Lithuanian artist. She was born in a family of artists, so she inherited her talent, knowledge, master class and first fame.

    In his work, he tries to combine the school of the Flemish masters and modern realism. To combine "eternity and a moment" on one canvas: old and expensive dishes, fresh flowers and fruits nearby. She tries to show that in this world in a certain period of time there may be something that will remain with us forever, and something that will disappear without a trace.

    Considered unique in miniature format. Realistic and rich imagery in a very small size makes her a unique artist.

    Animal portraits in miniature were her favorite subject for several years. She manages to convey in the portrait the uniqueness of the breed and the character traits of animals.
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