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Home Artists Ahmedov Gennadiy

Ahmedov Gennadiy

Ahmedov Gennadiy
Total rating: 10
Rating by «Painting»: 9
Rating by «Graphics»: 1
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    Akhmedov Gennady Alimovich Moscow, studied at art school № 1 im. Serov graduated from the painting Department of mhpu them. Kalinina in 1975. Since 1982, a member of the Union of artists of the USSR. in 1982 hosted the first solo exhibition in the Central house of arts in Moscow. 1986 second solo exhibition of Dagestan, Makhachkala (metal chart). Since 1976, the party-Union, Republican and foreign exhibitions (over 50 exhibitions). in 2012 participated in the Exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Moscow Union of artists, Moscow Manezh and Central house of arts Moscow, in 2013 participated in the exhibition "Testament", dedicated to the 90th anniversary from the birthday of Rasul Gamzatov in Dagestan Museum of fine arts. PS Gamzatova. In 2013 held the third solo exhibition at the Museum of Fine arts of Dagestan in Makhachkala (metal chart). In 2014 in the halls of artists Union of Russia was held the 4th solo exhibition. Works of the artist are in private collections in Russia and abroad, as well as in Museums of Moscow and Dagestan. In Dagestan Museum of fine arts. PS Gamzatova (Makhachkala) has a permanent exhibition of works by the artist G. A. Akhmedov. In 2017, castal in the Exhibition "85 years of the Moscow Union of artists", Moscow.
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