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Home Artists Kashin Roman

Kashin Roman

Kashin Roman
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    I suggest you to order the production of statues, sculptures, bust, bas-relief, high relief portrait sculptures, photography, portrait similarity of 99%. The properties that can be monumental, easel sculpture, small plastic. My difference from others: the order in a short time.

    The material and workmanship of the works: bronze, aluminum, cast iron, steel, cast stone, natural stone, plastic, porcelain, ceramic, clay, gypsum. Doing the whole cycle of works: creation of the layout (model) of the future sculpture, modeling in clay, casting or stone carving.
    Also can offer You to make portrait sculpture (plenty of pics), or to recreate a famous sculpture or composition. Work samples in the application.
    Experience: 25 years.
    Attention! The seller for a long time did not confirm the relevance of information and items.
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