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Home Artists Danilova Darya

Danilova Darya

Danilova Darya
Total rating: 22
Rating by «Painting»: 1
Rating by «Copies»: 1
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    Uniqueness of style:-
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    He graduated from KGHW them. VI Surikov specialty artist theatre
    (Department of theatre-decorative painting) in 2012.
    Since 2010 engaged in various types of creative activities.
    2013. work and live in Moscow, engaged in monumental painting, painting on orders.
    With 2014-15. performed scenic paintings in the altars and the sign of the Saviour churches
    in Voznesenskaya Davidova Pustyn Monastery (monastery of the Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church), in Chekhov, the Moscow region.
    Attention! The seller for a long time did not confirm the relevance of information and items.
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