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Home Artists Demidova Ekaterina

Demidova Ekaterina

Demidova Ekaterina
Total rating: 54
Rating by «Painting»: 4
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    Artist, designer - designer by education (SHTUB, IIC, School of Archietcture and Design).
    Art teacher/Coach (Project "Institute of awareness").
    From 2009 to 2010 he studied and studied the technique of spontaneous drawing and painting under the personal supervision of Natalia Bazhenova - a professional artist, member of Union of artists of Russia and international art Fund, President of the center of Creativity "Aquarius".
    Has passed professional retraining in Institute of modern psychological technologies, the program "Art therapy, a variety of methods".
    Certified trainer for "Gesture drawing" ("Integration of body-oriented and ecosystem approaches in art therapy" Beverly O Court).
    Laboratory of Bertram Mueller (2014). "Intellectual paradigm: the Psychology of the artist and creativity"

    My whole life has always been filled with art, creativity and creativity. First movement towards him, and then movement out of it.
    The maturation and development of creativity within myself led me to the perfect variation, consonance and resonance with the inner world and the outer world. And filled, it is impossible not to share! Speaking about creativity for me is a way of expression, way of transmission and display of his inner world — with feelings, emotions, smells, tastes, memories, ideas, collective experiences... I feel the deepest interest in the creative process. Enjoy the condition when it is possible to take in the space, surrendering to the process is where life itself begins to write on the canvas, and I'm just watching the process of its creation.
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