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Home Artists Suhanov Roman

Suhanov Roman

Suhanov Roman
Total rating: 39
Rating by «Painting»: 9
Community ratings by author
Uniqueness of style:5.0
Originality of work plots:5.0
Born in 1971 in the town of Morshansk, Tambov region. Since 1978, live in Kaluga. In the period from 1989 to 1996 he studied at the Moscow University of Land management at the faculty of architecture. After worked for several years with a degree as a interior designer freelance. Gradually began to take orders of paintings, and at the moment fully occupied with painting and graphic design. Regularly take part in regional exhibitions in the galleries of the city, almost all of my paintings are in private collections. Prefer to work in the romantic-realistic style in the genre of landscape and still life, but also carry out orders and sometimes in portrait. When working on a landscape or still life, strive to create on the canvas of space, which I was pleased to be yourself, and try to awaken the same desire and feelings in the viewer. And if this fails, then consider the work done successfully.
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