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Home Artists Kiryuhantseva-Korneeva Ekaterina

Kiryuhantseva-Korneeva Ekaterina

Kiryuhantseva-Korneeva Ekaterina
Total rating: 69
Rating by «Painting»: 8
Rating by «Graphics»: 1
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    Kiryukhantsev-Korneev (Korneeva) Ekaterina Olegovna was born in Moscow
    14.02.1981. Is a granddaughter of the artist Malyshev Vladimir Andreevich (27.08.1899
    G. R., Ulyanovsk, graduated from the Leningrad Academy of Arts in 1924, a member of the Union
    of artists of the USSR).
    In 1998-2000 was trained at the Moscow art Lyceum №303, where
    received diploma A. S. Rubtsov for plein air work "Autumn-99" (1999), and certificate of
    for copies of works of national artist of Russia, member of the Academy. The Academy of natural Sciences, Professor Balabanov, V. N. (2000).
    In 2000 he enrolled in the Rsuts (Russian state University of tourism and
    service), Moscow. Participated in the 15th International student competition on
    the best work in the field of packaging "a Clockwork Orange – 2010", Moscow,
    Polytechnic Museum, Museum of packaging ("packaging Design creative set
    for felting "Fantasy"). In 2011. participated in the International competition of young
    designers of the "Golden line", became the winner (1st place in nomination "Graphic
    design" : the design concept of the center of ecological tourism "Ussuri". In 2011, he graduated from
    Rsuts, Moscow, faculty of design and applied arts specialist (specialty
    -graphic design). In 2017, graduated from mgahi. V. I. Surikov, the workshop of Professor A. N. Sukhovetsky.
    Actively participates in exhibitions and open-airs. Has a number of certificates and diplomas: diploma
    The Ministry of agriculture for participation in the project "My city today" (2016), etc. From 2017 Kiryukhantsev-
    Korneeva E. O. works as the teacher in GBODO of Moscow, "DSHI them. Vladimir
    Krainov", combining teaching activities with creative. A Member Of The Moscow
    Of the Union of Artists and Union of Artists of Russia. In 2018 became a laureate of the XVI Festival
    artistic "Recognition" in the nomination "Golden Hands".
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