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Home Artists Borodin Viktor

Borodin Viktor

Borodin Viktor
Total rating: 1113
Rating by «Graphics»: 93
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:5.0
    Originality of work plots:5.0
    Borodin Victor M.

    He was born February 23, 1963 in the city of Artemovsk.

    1987 - graduated from the Krasnoyarsk art College named. Surikova.
    1999 - graduated from the Krasnoyarsk state art Institute.
    2005 - member of the artists Union
    2005 - member of the Board of KRO vtoo Union of artists of Russia.,
    2000 - Exhibition in Divnogorsk "Printmaking at the turn of the century" 1st Siberian exhibition of woodcuts.
    2002 - Participation in the exhibition "Faith without works is dead"
    2003 - Personal exhibition in gallery "Hingan"
    2004 - Participation in exhibition of the Association of woodcuts in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Moscow.
    2007 - Participation in the exhibition "1001 woodcut" In China, Beijing, Harbin.
    2008 - Participation in the exhibition "the Tunguska star" in Saint-Petersburg.
    2008 - Participation in the exhibition of watercolors in Kasnoyarsk.
    2008 - Participation in a regional show in Novosibirsk.
    2009 - Personal exhibition in the Berlin gallery "GRUSIGNAC".
    2013 - international exhibition "Yenisei-Angara"
    2014 - international exhibition "Angara-Enisey: the Grand rivers of Siberian art"
    2018 - inter-regional art exhibition in Novokuznetsk SIBIR "-XII"
    2018 - inter-regional art exhibition of the Siberian landscape "homeland – Siberia"

    Works are in foreign private collections (Germany. China). Krasnoyarsk Museum of local lore.

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