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Home Artists Kadyimov Feliks

Kadyimov Feliks

Kadyimov Feliks
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    Felix Kudimov was born in Gusar in 1970, the city is so called due to the fact that in 1800 years there stood a Russian hussar regiments, and moved the original name of the city.

    To draw Felix became almost from birth, as soon as I could hold a pencil. He drew everywhere, tirelessly and with excitement. But he realized that good draws and can not imagine my life without this as a student of the middle classes of secondary school, after repeatedly won first place in regional art competitions among peers. The young talent was appreciated by the teachers and qualitatively different from other participants. All teachers were advised to send Felix in an artistic way, but the parents had other opinions and hopes for a son.

    After high school, Felix, at the insistence of the parents enrolled in the medical Institute in Saratov, studied for about a year and realizing that, in the area of medicine he will not be able to find the realization of his thirst for creative work of art he's left the honey.Institute and went to serve in the army. While serving in the air defense forces of Felix, and there finds itself for the implementation of creative activity, he created wall Newspapers, dembelsky albums and so on.

    After the army broke into the life of a dashing 90th years that the artist spent in Saratov, working as a Manager of a commercial company and doing art only for themselves. But realizing that complete immersion in the art of Felix feels like a bird without wings, he left the business and had devoted himself to creativity!

    Felix started to work with different techniques of painting, studying different Russian, Spanish, Italian and Dutch schools of painting and art history, he was interested in everything. In the end, the artist found his own style and painted "Old Saratov" in his original technique, which uses the synthesis of Dry Brush and classic Oil on Canvas.

    Then Felix began to study and delve into sculpture, anatomy, human structure, work with clay, plaster, stucco, then moved on to work with stone, and later mastered the injection technique of the stone. Created a sculpture in full figure, busts, exclusive engraved portraits on stone, mastered the technology and brought the color portrait on stone. Felix works are in galleries of collectors in different cities of Russia and around the world. Artist popular, continue to evolve and grow in different directions art. Portraits painted by his hand, carry a positive energy and warm the heart, delight, and sometimes tears, are so amazingly accurately conveys the artist not only facial features, but also a unique soul, the subtle inner world in the eyes of man.
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