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Home Artists CHernyishova Zinaida

CHernyishova Zinaida

CHernyishova Zinaida
Total rating: 49
Rating by «Painting»: 25
Rating by «Graphics»: 2
Rating by «Decor»: 2
    Community ratings by author
    Uniqueness of style:-
    Originality of work plots:-
    Born 26 Mar 1983 in Mozdok, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia.
    A graduate of the Bauman MSTU]. A. N. Kosygin, Faculty Of Applied Arts.
    The participant of Russian and Italian art exhibitions, youth exhibitions(MOSH 2006-2007-2009 years), group exhibitions and Festivals of Russian Culture in Italy ( the Russian Fund of Culture 2006-2008 -2009- 2010 years) , group exhibition "Golden domes"( the Temple of Christ the Savior, 2010)
    Russian Art Week (Moscow, 2011),
    "ArtExpoSPb 2015(Saint Petersburg.)
    The art Geography of the Moscow House of artists, March 8-12, 2017
    ART SHOPPING Paris "Carrousel du Louvre". May 2018.
    Week of Russian art in Italy. Rome. July 2018.
    Exhibition " The Russian Talent." Gostiny Dvor. Moscow. 2018-2019.
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