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Home Artists Gurtovoy Mihail

Gurtovoy Mihail

Gurtovoy Mihail
Total rating: 84
Rating by «Painting»: 4
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    Gurtovoy, Mikhail Viktorovich, G. R. 1958, M. R. Irkutsk, the education system engineer, graduated from MINKH and GP im. Gubkina, Moscow in 1983, and worked in the far North, in Moscow, in the Smolensk region. from 2014, the year live in Bulgaria, city of Pomorie. Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, English features for communication or business correspondence. Member of Commonwealth of artists of Pomorie. Participated in many annual exhibitions of the Commonwealth in Pomorie. Participant in joint exhibitions in Rousse, Varna, Burgas.

    Something there and once awarded, certificates, etc. is irrelevant.
    I prefer painting with oil on canvas other types of art.
    The landscape, cityscape, portrait, night urban landscape, seascapes. About their own style have no idea, probably there is something that belongs only to me, since there are regular customers and constant viewers. There is an account in Facebook, but for obvious reasons do not advertise.

    With commercial painting romantic pink Marina with the sun and ladies in sea foam, with boats on the horizon in the fog, rather cool, but since it's in demand and allows you the money to buy art supplies, booze and cigarettes, why not.
    The circle of customers, mostly unknown to me, Bulgaria, Russia, Ireland, France, etc.
    Attention! The seller for a long time did not confirm the relevance of information and items.
    In which currency should the prices be displayed on the website?