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Home Artists Ovchinnikov YUriy

Ovchinnikov YUriy

Ovchinnikov YUriy
Total rating: 191
Rating by «Painting»: 55
Community ratings by author
Uniqueness of style:4.6
Originality of work plots:4.7
Are engaged in painting for over 20 years. Basically writing the natural landscape. Realism. Prefer oil on canvas. The stories collect on trips. Take pictures of any types. On return, select the most, in my opinion, interesting stories, and take them as a basis for future work. Pictures do not copy and take over the plot, allowing a little of the author's imagination. Of course, if the frame were, for example, a bunch of garbage
the picture it painted I'm not
About myself I can tell the following. Almost forty years ago, graduated from a military school. Then served until retirement in the army. The service was held in the Krasnoyarsk region and the Irkutsk region, he graduated in Leningrad region. Live in St. Petersburg.
During the service on business trips, vacations and at school has traveled all West Siberia, half of Central Asia and the North Caucasus. Often take stories from the memories.
Started writing when I finished my service. First wrote in watercolor and then tempera. Now paint in oils.
Tried portrait, urban landscape. But in the end realized that all that is not mine. Now I write mostly natural landscapes.
The price of your work may be low, as this is not my main income. I have a very interesting work, but since it is quite rare, I'm afraid that the moderator deems its contact data, so do not write about it.
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