Kanvas Olio
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Originality of work plots:4.3
'olio Canvas in 2007 he graduated with honors from the Samara art College named. Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin specialization painter.
In 2007 he entered the St Petersburg Academy of theatrical art (Spbgati) faculty "of scenography and theatre technology."
'olio Canvas, a participant of various contests and exhibitions, both in Russia and abroad. Has 3 years of experience with Marchand, as well as the art Director of the art gallery.
In 2009, he worked as a sculptor in the presidential residence Bocharov Ruchey(Sochi).
In 2010, he worked as a sculptor in residence in Gorki 9,
In 2010, he worked as a restorer at the Kremlin.
In 2010, he worked as a sculptor in the Church of the Seeds and Anna in St. Petersburg.
In 2011, he worked as a restorer of the Church John of Kronstadt
Work'olio Canvas are in private collections in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Israel.
From 2013 to 2016'olio Canvas worked and created with collaboration with the artistic Association "Art artel eye".
'olio Canvas is not afraid to experiment, expanding academic boundaries and thereby finds new shades of familiar or newly open. Self-development, as part of the creative journey, there is a part of life and an incredible opportunity to paint and repaint sometimes familiar or forgotten. After all, the most beautiful thing that comes with us - is at this moment.