Tokar YUliya
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I am an artist living in Austria. I was born in Russia to 2014, lived in Ukraine in 2015, my place of residence is Austria. A dip in the cultural life of the capital, I immediately realized that painting is my thing, besides my mother was an artist. I have attended courses in painting in Vienna and learned a lot online, he took private lessons at the Austrian masters. Gradually a hobby turned into permanent employment, orders, exhibitions and .TD.
For me, painting is not only self-expression, and full immersion in the world of emotions and fantasy where I invite the audience and their fans. And trust me, you will increasingly want to dive into this mysterious, and sometimes fantastic, sometimes real ... For inspiration I use the experience of other artists, photographers, travelers. I'm always in search of his style, and admire the art of other famous and little-known colleagues. Welcome to my World!