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Home Artists Miftahutdinov Nail

Miftahutdinov Nail

Miftahutdinov Nail
Total rating: 175
Rating by «Painting»: 28
Community ratings by author
Uniqueness of style:5.0
Originality of work plots:5.0
Samara artist miftahutdinov nail says the nature of his native land. Zhiguli gate, river, forest.... The artist really feels the spirit of nature, the sun in his paintings are warm, the rain has to think, the boat in the shade of the trees - dream. We can also see his work with fairy tale characters, images of chiefs, hunting. The animals are very realistic. Fangs of beasts, shiny coat, soulful glance, all the paintings creates a sense of presence.
Nail paints to order. There are ready-made work.
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