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Home Artists Zorina Irina

Zorina Irina

Zorina Irina
Total rating: 1213
Rating by «Painting»: 924
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Uniqueness of style:5.0
Originality of work plots:5.0
The various kinds of work, I take a very long time. But the most I love is oil painting. Communication with canvas and oil paint brings me great pleasure, the Nobleness of these materials is almost impossible to convey in words!!!

In this, each written by me, I passed through himself, through his soul...And give her a piece of their warmth and their energy. Work in many techniques, love Alla prima, palette knife.. That is what allows you to pour out onto the canvas of emotional expression, to make a bold and unique impasto brushstroke, stimulating the viewer's attention.

At the moment I not only paint itself, but also actively seek to share knowledge and experience - conduct online webinars, conduct face-to-face workshops.

Are a member of the Union of Artists of Moscow,
A member of the Creative Association "MIG",

The participant of many exhibitions of Moscow, the Moscow region and Germany.

My paintings are in private collections of Russia, Europe, America and Israel.
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