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Home Artists SHepelevich Vladimir

SHepelevich Vladimir

SHepelevich Vladimir
Total rating: 7
Rating by «Painting»: 7
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    Born in 1957 in Pinsk, where he began studying fine art in the city Studio at E. P. Pulkova.
    In 1977 he graduated from Minsk art College named. Glebova, in 1983 - the Belarusian state theatre and art Institute. Teachers - V. P. Sharangovich, V. P. Savich, N. Salesuk, P. K., Lubomudrov, A. Shavers, L. M. Kalmaeva.
    Since 1989 member of the Union of artists of Belarus (Enz. reference "BSH 1938-1998", etc.).
    Since 1980, participates in national and international art exhibitions, including in Germany, Holland, USA.
    In 1993, 1994 and 1998-personal exhibitions in Minsk.
    Works in easel graphics and painting. The works of Vladimir Shepelevich are in the State art Museum, the National gallery of artists Union, Museum of modern fine art in Minsk, as well as in public and private collections abroad (Algeria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Canada, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland).
    2006 exhibits in the "Museum of contemporary Russian art" in new York.
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