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Home Artists Osadchuk Nataliya

Osadchuk Nataliya

Osadchuk  Nataliya
Total rating: 1790
Rating by «Painting»: 230
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    Greetings to you!
    My name is Nataliya.

    I have been painting oil paintings since 2019.
    It all started out difficult and not fast, but over time I managed to relatively determine what happens and I want to write it more and more often.
    I love landscapes with the moon, people in robes, fog, unusual trees, sometimes seascapes, flowers, impressionism and light surrealism.
    I note the architecture separately. It has its own perfection of forms and the magic of correctness. You can call it complicated, but it's something that's solid and doesn't change much over time. Rather, from the lighting.
    Sometimes there is something meditative and for reflection. First of all, for myself.
    Sometimes you want something complicated and you like to write it out long and hard. It doesn't matter how much time and effort it takes. Usually such stories are related to architecture and clouds.
    There are really simple and uncomplicated plots. They show the moment here and now more, they help to capture the impression.
    I would like to note separately that some works are not exact, but rather a free copy of famous artists. I want to understand and learn their way of thinking, the manner of presentation, the trend of the times and what was important then and remains eternal now.

    The order of choosing subjects for my works is always unexpected. It is impossible to predict what and when I will write next. There are preferred areas that I like to explore and try to develop.
    I can't say that I don't like something. Rather, I'm not ready to try it yet. At this stage of life.
    I usually have several paintings in my work and they are all in different genres, formats and color palette. It's easier and more interesting for the mood and there is no addiction or a kind of burnout.
    I'm experimenting with formats.
    Lately, I like vertical large-scale works with perspectives more. This is especially true for fairly elongated plots.
    I really like the square, but you won't always find something worthy to write with it. But, as time has shown, there are really interesting stories and I try not to miss them every time.
    And the horizontal - there is something magical and classic about it. As the gold standard.

    I am always sincerely pleased when, among all the works presented on the Internet, people choose mine. It doesn't matter - big or small, complex or simple. My attitude will not change from this.
    Thank you very much for your trust and choice!!!
    Let my works decorate your home and please you!!!
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