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Artists Chelyabinsk in genre Портрет девушки

This section of the online store presents a list of contemporary artists and sculptors the genre «Портрет девушки» of Chelyabinsk, who put up for sale or to demonstrate their copyrighted works (oil paintings, sculptures and other objects of art). You can buy online or order on our website as professional work (by searching in the filter marked «Profile education»), as well as amateur, of different levels of performance.

On the map - you can find the workshops of the authors closest to you, with a phone and a schedule of their work, to arrange a meeting and viewing live oil paintings or sculptures, and their subsequent purchase.

На карте
location: Chelyabinsk, Russia
total artworks: 2
total rating: 36

Authors and statistics for the section «Портрет девушки»:

The table below summarizes how many contemporary artists and sculptors presented in this section, how many of them are professionals, documented their specialized education, how many of them have certificates the authenticity of their works, as well as the names of sellers with the highest rating on the site.

Total authors: 1
Confirmed Education: 0
Have certificates of works: 0
TOP 10 authors: Sanova Lenera

By going to a page of an author you will find:

  • all oil paintings, sculptures and other works of art that can be bought or ordered, sorted by album;
  • information that the author indicated about himself on the site;
  • customer reviews;
  • reviews, reviews and professional ratings from his colleagues on the site;
  • A general and detailed seller rating by gallery sections.

How to buy or order a work of authorship

How to make a purchase on the site:

  1. Find and select paintings or sculptures in the online store gallery in the section «Портрет девушки in Chelyabinsk».
  2. Place an order and send a request to the author.
  3. Wait for the confirmation of the acceptance of the order by the artist/sculptor.
  4. Pay for the purchase and receive your package.

For more detailed instructions, with screenshots and videos, go to the page - how to buy a painting. Similarly, you can purchase sculptures and other art objects. the genre «Портрет девушки» in Chelyabinsk.

If you were unable to find a suitable job with the artist or sculptor of Chelyabinsk, then you You can make an order with the author from another city or country, agreeing with the seller about the courier or postal delivery.

How to place an order on the site:

If the work you like is not available for any author, you can use the order system, placing in her an order of oil paintings or sculptures according to a photograph or description, to collect feedback from professional performers of our time and choose suitable artist / sculptor.

  1. Place an order in the system.
  2. Get feedback and evaluate the level of work of performers, how professionally they are performed.
  3. Choose the right one and make a deal with him.

Thus, you can order the following types of work on a competitive basis:

  • Oil paintings on canvas in Chelyabinsk
  • Portraits to order from a photo in Chelyabinsk
  • Reproductions (copies) of paintings to order in Chelyabinsk
  • Sculpture to order in Chelyabinsk
  • Wall painting to order in Chelyabinsk
  • Restoration of custom icons in Chelyabinsk
  • Painting on order of temples and churches in Chelyabinsk
  • Custom wood carvings in Chelyabinsk
  • Batik (painting on fabric) to order in Chelyabinsk

Order options in our online store:

Modern or classic items arts the genre «Портрет девушки», ready for sale and available, you can buy in one of the following ways:

  • Quick order. With minimal data filling, to save your time.
  • Simple order. Suitable if the author is in your city. In this case, payment for the purchase is made directly to the seller.
  • Offer your price. If you want to bargain with the author.
  • Secure Transaction. Suitable if the seller is located not in Chelyabinsk. In this case, your Payment passes through our service.

Payment and delivery options

In case you and the seller (i.e. artist or sculptor) You are located in different cities or countries, and upon purchase you need delivery in Chelyabinsk, then you can stipulate the conditions for sending oil paintings or sculptures directly with the author of the works.

If you choose the regular order option, then the terms and methods of payment - you negotiate individually with the seller directly. If you use our «Safe Deal» service, then all payment methods listed on the page will be available to you Payment and delivery.