Triptych "Frida - Margo - Lilith" is not just repeats the unfading with time comparison of women with flower - he reveals the nature of women through the riot of colors and forms. The first picture they give rise to Association with a tropical butterfly, but the dynamic image, coupled with bright, almost acid colors, gives this image a passion, conveying the impression of breathtaking intractability of the female nature. This is an alarming sense of danger reminiscent of the destructive power of female passion picks up the picture of "Margot" in it, no less dynamic, with the image of flower connect the outline of a Scorpion is poisonous beauty that equally attracts and makes one wary; but be cautious, as experience suggests, when meeting with female beauty is almost always futile. In the picture, the final triptych, the image of a woman occurs directly. It is not so riddled with anxiety, as his incarnation in the previous two pictures, and even flame colors, erosive beautiful face Lilith, rhymes with the color of autumn leaves, those melancholy: it soothes, brings a sense of comfort. Autumn ends season violent, unrestrained, and flowering, however, lulled us into complacency; as if a secret open to us a world of dangerous passions of the female psyche once again closes behind the facade of gentle and lovely fuck, innocent and harmless.
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