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Home Artists Plitchin Andrey Artworks of the master THE LAST FIGHT OF MAJOR FILIPOVA


"It is for you boys!" The way of the cross. Guards major Roman Nikolaevich Filipov. The Hero Of Russia.Pilot ABOUT THE PRODUCT Abstract: he died on the evening of 3 February 2018, under the Celebration - Cathedral of the new martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church +the Commemoration of all souls, the victims in times of persecution for their faith in Christ. 40 days will be a Week cross-14 Mar - memory Domnina Syrian - had the Gift of tears. Lived a full 33 years. Shooting a Stechkin , spent 32 of the cartridge ( this mortal life), 33 - For his Friends! Not to recall the way Our Savior! The memory of all our soldiers. Feats of which we know. And those who died for Russia. Whose exploits only God knows. One of them is my grandfather - polar pilot Vasily Koshelev. Crashed on the sea plane, buscapina, Wrangel island, participating in the rescue Chelyuskinites. The plane and pilots were not found.With him was the Navigator. The Kingdom Of Heaven!
Location of the painting: Abramtsevo
Category: Painting
Style: Realism

Demo artwork, not available for buy and order.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2018
Size: 70x105
Material : canvas
Technique : oil
664 1 0
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Mastery: No ratings yet
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Artworks of the master