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Home Artists Sosnina Ekaterina Artworks of the master "Lighthouse in the barbed darkness" - a portrait of V. Mayakovsky

"Lighthouse in the barbed darkness" - a portrait of V. Mayakovsky

"Lighthouse in the barbed darkness" - a portrait of V. Mayakovsky
"Listen! After all, if stars lit - so is someone who needs it?” Minimalistic black and white portrait of the great poet of the XX century, Vladimir Mayakovsky. Dazzling "lighthouse" shines in barbed impenetrable darkness.
Location of the painting: Engels
Category: Painting
For the interior (by type of room): For office (cabinet)

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2019
Size: 40x30
Material : canvas
Technique : acrylic
65 $
1054 0 1
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Artworks of the master