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Home Artists Korzuhin Pavel Artworks of the master Journey's End

Journey's End

Journey's End
This pattern is for a lover to behold the North-Western edge of the oceans, whispering of the carotid wave in the late afternoon. The viewer as a fellow traveler, who came on shore, either to sit on an old stone bench and vostitsa on the sea horizon, or to terrace, down the stairs on the sand and proshestvovali to the water's edge. But then everything could go no farther. Now, just to come back in the bustle of everyday life, away from the picture, or to stay with her, in her, as if waiting for something. The image is attractive, of peace, and not tedious. It has the same quiet joy that find us all life – the joy of returning home, leaving the hustle and bustle, in anticipation of peace. All. The End Of The Journey.
Location of the painting: Saint Petersburg
Category: Painting

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2007
Size: 80x149
Material : hardboard
Technique : acrylic
2 220 $
751 0 0
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Artworks of the master