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Home Artists Dubrovskaya Tatyana Artworks of the master The fast and the furious 2020

The fast and the furious 2020

The fast and the furious 2020
Picture of Bicycle race,made in the style reminiscent of comic books in bright but nice colours colors.Stylized trees,tree branches,gutters, air alternate and do not overload the center,which depicts the cyclist.The leaves of the trees,clods of earth, all in encrypted images.The magic of colors and vortex flows a sight to behold and we in the audience become fans.Painting for people who love sports,traffic and travel.
Location of the painting: Dolgoprudny
Category: Painting
Genre: Plots
For the interior (by type of room): For loft

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2020
Size: 84x48
Material : canvas
Technique : acrylic
125 $
856 4 0
Community Performance Assessments
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Artworks of the master
Latest ratings:
19.03.2020, 00:15
Style: 5
The plot is unique: 5
Mastery: 5