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Home Artists Korzuhin Pavel Artworks of the master Panel from the mausoleum Gur-Emir in the break room in a private house

Panel from the mausoleum Gur-Emir in the break room in a private house

Panel from the mausoleum Gur-Emir in the break room in a private house
Panels are written in order to the rest room in a country house with acrylic paints. The composition is the famous monument of medieval architecture of Uzbekistan, the mausoleum of Tamerlane Timur, known as Gur-Emir. As the model used a series of photos. The surrounding landscape was written in the final stage, impromptu, without preliminary sketches. The creation of the song took one and a half months. Insufficient width of the space is not allowed to make the entire front panel, so it shows fragments.
Location of the painting: Saint Petersburg
Category: Wall painting

Demo artwork, not available for buy and order.

Year: 2018
Size: 289x455
Material : concrete
Technique : acrylic
485 0 0
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Artworks of the master