This picture tells the story of this horror of modern information warfare. That inciting strife a handful of people are becoming more cunning. Was cold, now information. If you carefully analyze the picture in detail, clarified its General sense. In the centre is the head of a citizen of the Earth, which absorbs the transmitted information into it with your eyes - the light aimed inside. The head is connected by wires to a piece of something huge hanging over her. This way satellite Internet system. It is important that the head is connected only to a piece of the whole, and cast its shadow there is a bright spot. This clearance is formed by the same eye, but he's a secret opposition to darkness, which leads on ladders in the hidden information area.
It is not necessary to believe that the civil war African and Arab regions - a consequence of their temperamental or ignorance, which, by the way, the fault is not local, and the Europeans, who constructed their civilization on the bones of the inhabitants of other continents. We don't get to decide what we see and think. Don't believe? Then I suggest the film "Cleaners" in 2018, if he's available in your area.
Location of the painting:
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