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Home Artists Guseva Svetlana Artworks of the master The tree of prosperity

The tree of prosperity

The tree of prosperity
Technique fluid art (acrylic fill) is very unpredictable. In this picture originally, I wanted to extend a big branchy tree, somewhere on the ocean floor, which is littered with gold coins and gives well-being. Instead of coins I used gold and gold leaf, imitating gold. The tree turned out with different images that may see different people in different ways. I can say that the picture is intuitive, created in the "unconscious" art. Also in this image I used a little technique of collage, added natural marble to give in some places of volume. After complete drying, at the top of the tree I saw the woman (which was itself) it can't see everything. But I decided that this is the Keeper of this tree of well-being.)
Location of the painting: Chernogorsk
Category: Graphics
Style: Abstract
For the interior (by type of room): For home and apartment for living room

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2019
Size: 35x35
Material : canvas on cardboard
Technique : acrylic
58 $
551 0 1
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Artworks of the master