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Home Artists Grig Nika Artworks of the master The horror of the material world creeping into the Light of Consciousness.

The horror of the material world creeping into the Light of Consciousness.

The horror of the material world creeping into the Light of Consciousness.
"Turn on the Light of your Consciousness and the Darkness will disappear" The Light of Consciousness that is initially present in a person (even more than what a person initially is) is initially pure and bright. But the experience of the material physical world pollutes it. The light of human consciousness is the greatest miracle of life and the main justification for all the sufferings and hardships that accompanied human development. The meaning of human history lies in the careful preservation of the hearth, in the construction of the world, in the strengthening of light, in the expansion of the inquisitive and sympathetic friendship of man with every creature.
Location of the painting: Saint Petersburg
Category: Painting

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

The painting is framed.

Year: 2017
Size: 130x120
Material : hardboard
Technique : mixed technique
2 382 $
416 0 0
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Artworks of the master