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Home Artists Sokolov Igor Artworks of the master The Breath of winter

The Breath of winter

The Breath of winter
The night sky is a dull grey white. An opaque dust sheet floats so light Upon the roofs and lamps and cars. It settles so softly like falling stars. It sneaks in crevices and onto window sills. Piles up in soft layers over roads and hills, Weighs down branches, envelopes bark, Skips and flutters across the depth of dark. With dawn a scene of raw meringue. From bough and bridge and roof does hang. Through night's deep slumber - a silent world Descended - a ghostly shroud unfurled. In slow motion, life begins to show. The traffic crawls in a funereal row. Children squeal in soundless delight. Pedestrians slide in voiceless fright. A world transformed into monochrome, An aerosol sky spraying its white foam, Floating in breathless, boundless speed, Submerging all with voracious greed. Ruth D. Velenski
Location of the painting: Kursk
Category: Painting
Style: Realism

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2022
Size: 90x90
Material : canvas
Technique : oil
981 $
432 2 0
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Artworks of the master