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Home Artists Maas Tiir Artworks of the master 2 yellow fish on a black podium 5 (K.1)

2 yellow fish on a black podium 5 (K.1)

2 yellow fish on a black podium 5 (K.1)
Statueki 2 zholtykh ryb na chornom podiume 5 mogut svobodnogo peremeshchat'sya otdel'no drug ot druga, legko ustanavlivat'sya v raznyye kompozitsii dlya igry, tvorchestva i meditatsii, stil'nyye, ukrasyat lyuboy inter'yer. Statuetki sozdayutsya metodom kholodnogo lit'ya turetskoy poliefirnoy smoly s natural'nymi napolnitelyami i poliruyutsya avtorom do zerkal'nogo otrazheniya sveta so vsekh storon. Razmery kazhdoy statuetki 14kh23kh12sm., ves 1,40kg. Razmery podiuma 3kh29kh19sm., ves 2,00kg. Obshchiy razmer 17kh29kh19sm., obshchiy ves 4,80kg. Statuetki sozdany avtorom v 2023 godu. Ochistka statuetok i podiuma ot pyli mozhet proizvodit'sya sukhoy tkan'yu iz mikrofibry ili myagkoy kistochkoy, krome togo, dlya zashchity ot pyli zhelatel'no postavit' statuetku pod kolpak iz stekla. Nedopustimy: dlitel'nyy nagrev statuetok i podiuma vyshe +60 i okhlazhdeniye nizhe - 50 gradusov po Tsel'siyu, oni mogut razmeshchat'sya na otkrytom vozdukhe, vodo- i morozo-ustoychivy. Ещё 910 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Statues of 2 yellow fish on a black podium 5 can move freely separately from each other, can be easily installed in different compositions for play, creativity and meditation, stylish, will decorate any interior. Figurines are created by cold casting of Turkish polyester resin with natural fillers and polished by the author to mirror reflection of light from all sides. The dimensions of each figurine are 14x23x12 cm, weight 1.40 kg. Podium dimensions 3x29x19cm, weight 2.00kg. Overall size 17x29x19cm, total weight 4.80kg. The figurines were created by the author in 2023. Cleaning the figurines and the podium from dust can be done with a dry microfiber cloth or a soft brush, in addition, to protect against dust, it is advisable to put the figurine under a glass cap. Unacceptable: prolonged heating of figurines and a podium above +60 and cooling below -50 degrees Celsius, they can be placed outdoors, water and frost resistant.
Location of the painting: Novosibirsk
Style: Pop art

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2023
Size: 18x21
Material : plastics
Technique : author's technique
924 $
307 0 0
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Artworks of the master