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Home Artists Maas Tiir Artworks of the master Figurines of 5 girls and 5 yellow podiums 1-5

Figurines of 5 girls and 5 yellow podiums 1-5

Figurines of 5 girls and 5 yellow podiums 1-5
Figurines of 5 girls and 5 yellow podiums 1-5 can move freely separately from each other, easily set together in different compositions for play, personal creativity and meditation, stylish, can decorate any interior. The figurines are created by cold casting Turkish polyester resin with natural fillers and then polished by the author to mirror light from all sides. The dimensions of each of the 5 figurines of girls are 13x5x5 cm, their total weight is about: from 0.90 kg. The sizes of the podiums are different, their total weight is 3.60 kg. The maximum total size of the composition is 5 figurines of girls and 5 yellow podiums 1-5 35x29x19cm, total weight 4.50kg. The figurines were created by the author in 2023. Cleaning the figurines and the podium from dust can be done with a dry microfiber cloth or a soft brush, in addition, to protect against dust, it is advisable to put the figurine under a glass cap. Unacceptable: prolonged heating of figurines and a podium above +60 and cooling below -50 degrees Celsius, they can be placed outdoors, water and frost resistant.
Location of the painting: Novosibirsk
Style: Pop art
Genre: Nudes

Finished artwork, now available to buy.

Year: 2023
Size: 35x29
Material : plastics
Technique : author's technique
1 154 $
290 0 0
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Artworks of the master