"It costs nothing to copy objects, you need to depict the feeling that they awaken in you," Henri Matisse said about the still life...
Still life with a cut pumpkin and a jug. Draperies envelop objects and fruits. The metal jug absorbed all the shades of the painting.
The bright gamma, the minimalist composition, and the light filling the picture create an amazing contrast.
Still life is, according to Petrov—Vodkin, "one of the painter's sharp conversations with nature... What is the object, where is it and where am I, perceiving this object, this is the main requirement of a still life. And this is a great cognitive joy, perceived by the viewer from the still life."
In this statement, it is important to note the idea that nature does not immediately open up to the artist, that she is able to "object" to him, "argue" with him. And if a "conversation" with nature, which sometimes takes the "sharp" forms of dialogue or argument, becomes meaningful in a new way for the viewer, then this is evidence of the artist's luck.
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